Tis the season of graduations!
As soon as I took my last final, I flew down to California. Luckily I was done on Tuesday and didn't have to be back in Boise til Monday. It was time for C.'s graduation from University of Southern California!
BF and I drove down to La La Land from Sacramento and the few days in L.A. were spent celebrating with the S. family. I hadn't been to USC in a couple years and was ready for some Cali sunshine.
BF and I had been dating less than a year when we went to C.'s high school graduation together. Last year C. made the trek to Boise to help celebrate our BSU graduation, so we knew we'd be in LA for this one. (I was also the obnoxious one who bossed everyone around making sure we were all in the same pose for these pictures). Hard to believe the 3 of us have been hanging out over 4 years!
I adore the S. family. They've always said BF was their second son and I've been adopted not only into the Trojan Family, but also into theirs. The "kid" picture was a necessity.
It wasn't all about C. though...going to USC means I get to see some more of my Cali favorites! D. and C. (above) make EVERYTHING funny. And K. and I (below)...well...we're just two peas in a pod when it comes to life freak outs and stressing about everything.
This trip was much anticipated and a much needed break! Classes are completely over now...I just have to survive 10 weeks of clinicals before I'm officially done!