Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Makin' Me Fall In Love Again

Meet the new love of my life.

Stryker James was born Feb. 10th and stole my heart pretty much the moment I laid eyes on him. soon as A. sent me the text last summer saying she was expecting...I called dibs on her child being my ring bearer or flower girl in my wedding.  

 I saw A. in the hospital before she went into labor, visited the NICU a few times, and try to make it over to their house at LEAST every month. I've had so much fun getting to watch him grow up! I'm already sad he's getting so big.

We took him to the Saturday Market with us! Not sure how much he loved it...but Mama sure looks proud :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Here's To You

Tis the season of graduations!

As soon as I took my last final, I flew down to California. Luckily I was done on Tuesday and didn't have to be back in Boise til Monday. It was time for C.'s graduation from University of Southern California!

BF and I drove down to La La Land from Sacramento and the few days in L.A. were spent celebrating with the S. family. I hadn't been to USC in a couple years and was ready for some Cali sunshine.

BF and I had been dating less than a year when we went to C.'s high school graduation together. Last year C. made the trek to Boise to help celebrate our BSU graduation, so we knew we'd be in LA for this one. (I was also the obnoxious one who bossed everyone around making sure we were all in the same pose for these pictures). Hard to believe the 3 of us have been hanging out over 4 years! 

I adore the S. family. They've always said BF was their second son and I've been adopted not only into the Trojan Family, but also into theirs. The "kid" picture was a necessity.

It wasn't all about C. though...going to USC means I get to see some more of my Cali favorites! D. and C. (above) make EVERYTHING funny. And K. and I (below)...well...we're just two peas in a pod when it comes to life freak outs and stressing about everything.

This trip was much anticipated and a much needed break! Classes are completely over now...I just have to survive 10 weeks of clinicals before I'm officially done!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Call Me Maybe

Spring was a whirlwind of activities and way too much fun. And it seemed as if Call Me Maybe was heard every two seconds...

Like an impromptu bachelorette party? I knew N. through my clinical site this spring. Came to find out her wedding was 2 weeks away...and she didn't have a party planned!! We fixed that instantly. Rallied the troops and the ultrasound girls took her out for a night downtown.

Then there was the Twin Falls adventure...

L.H.'s twinner is getting married! So the 4 ultrasound girls made a weekend trip for the bridal shower fun. Me and S. had never been to we attempted to make it as touristy as possible, including stops at Shosone Falls, Kimberley High School, and watching base jumpers in the canyon.

The shower was fun and twinner is going to be a beautiful bride!

"Little Brother" D. was on the club baseball team this spring...I made it to a couple games and then he invited me to the end of season banquet! Got a text that read "have you eaten dinner yet?? we're having a bbq and family is invited!" Awww...sometimes he really can be a sweet brother!

While I've definitely missed BF being here this's been fun to bond with D! Him knowing a 21+ girl who bakes excessive amounts of cookies? Made him pretty popular among his dorm buddies.

I Like It Like That

My last one Dad keeps reminding me. Might as well make the most of it...right? What better than...Vegas?!

C. is a friend from freshman year in the dorms. She's now in Denver going to school and we decided to reunite in Vegas for her birthday! Her friend S. joined in the festivities, which included nights out, days by the pool, and Thunder From Down Under.

What made the weekend even better? Best friend C. was in Vegas at the same time!! The girls wanted to go to bed early the last night...but the two of us stayed out to play!

From Vegas I flew to Cali to see BF. Fun couple days filled with golfing, wii jeopardy, Taco Tuesday and just being together.

Flew back to Boise, then drove back home. Sister wasn't there, our breaks didn't overlap. But spent time with Mom and Dad! Mom taught me how to make her perfect pie crust and we did silk dyed Easter much fun!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Love's Looking Good On You

Wedding time!!! First wedding of 2012 and for some of my favorite people. We've been friends with the groom's family since our younger sisters met in preschool. Yes...preschool. That's 16 years of friendship! We grew up all playing at each others' houses and all kept in touch as we moved away and grew up. So many memories...from playing puppies and kitties to getting pushed by Z. on the swing waiting for the school bus.

Me and A. drove up from Boise and stayed at her sister's place, Sister drove from Ellensburg, and Mom and Dad came from home. You know the wedding is a big deal if Dad comes along!

The four of us have grown up was so great to be reunited!

Always great to see the family too ♥